Tuesday, May 19, 2020

SE's birthday 2020

(Oh forgot to post this.  SE's birthday is on May 9)

SE turned 8!  Still within the MCO with all the restrictions.  First, she wanted McDonald's for lunch. 

McDonald's is always yummy!

We have moved on to 'CMCO' (Conditional Movement Control Order) and our regular cake shop has opened.  Phew, decent cakes which could be bought by just dropping into the shop and selecting one - never appreciated this  convenience before!  I didn't bring SE along though.  She wanted a chocolate cake.

My chocolate birthday cake!

A picture of us.  In house clothes and house-style haha.

Happy birthday to me

Let me read what it says...

Happy Birthday to Su Ern!  May this little one never grow too old for hugs and kisses.  And to be less difficult in school (heh heh).  Love her forever, no conditions!


  1. Never too late to wish SE Happy Birthday! Most kids love chocolate cakes. She will always remains mummy's little girl.

    1. Thanks Nancy! She went through a period when she didn't like chocolate. Luckily over it now.

  2. Agreed with Nancy, never too late to wish SE a very Happy Birthday! McD meals are always satisfying! You are wise not to bring SE to the cake shop because it is better for children to stay safe at home even now. Nice casual family photo! Seeing the cake, now I feel like eating cakes!

    1. Thanks, Mun! I was considering taking her to the cake shop as a treat, but hubby was worried so ok lah.
