Friday, October 2, 2020

Now you see her

Here is SE diligently doing homework.  

Write erase write erase

After a few minutes...

Taking a short break

The total break time will end up way more than actual work time.  Needless to say, she has to spend a lot of time on homework.


  1. Ha ha least she is doing her homework and getting it done.

    1. Her teacher last year, who didn't want to share her HP number, actually messaged me to keep an eye on SE's homework as she wasn't completing it. This year is a reprieve because of MCO. My mum reports SE is catching up on homework so hopefully she is.

  2. Agree with Nancy that at least she is getting her homework done. The glass coffee table seems to be too low and she is sitting too high so she needs to bend her back to write so it is good that she takes frequent breaks else her body would ache.

    1. Homework seems to be getting done. Hmm true also about the coffee table. My parents do have a proper study room but the kid prefers to do homework out here where she can sneak peeks at the TV every so often.

    2. Ya, not so boring to do homework in front of tv.
