Sunday, May 15, 2022

SE’s birthday 2022

SE is now 10!  She didn't feel like having a birthday cake though, asked for jelly instead.  We rustled up a strawberry cheesecake as well from an instant mix so she had 'two cakes'.  The jelly was a milo one as she requested, no deco since it was last minute.

My birthday 'cake'

She wanted to go to The Teddy to celebrate, but it was booked solid. Recently everywhere seems to be packed, the roads all jammed.... probably due to the Raya season plus the SOPs having just been relaxed.  So we made a reservation for the following week instead.  And for now, it was McD in front of the TV just like her birthday lunch last year

Food tastes better with TV!

As long as the kiddo is happy!

Happy birthday to SE!


  1. Happy Birthday SE! I prefer McD lunch in front if TV too! Or with a few more snacks like icecream, chips & choc...mch better than dining out! Yea, these days everywhere is crowded & jam....i miss those days when lesser ppl dine out & on the road.

    1. Oh the sundae and McFlurry were procured and still in the freezer heh.

  2. Happy birthday to SE! Haha kids love McD and TV combined plus her favourite jelly.

    1. For me, as long the requests as easy to fulfil, no problem!

  3. Happy birthday to SE! She is such a happy girl, enjoying her jelly milo cake. The strawberry cheesecake is so big, what brand of instant mix is that? Lovely family photo. Good to have family photos for remembrance. Ya, everywhere is packed and traffic jams everywhere. Life is back to pre pandemic times.

    1. Cheesecake was on clearance at Village Grocer haha. Forgot the brand and it wasn't that nice. She didn't actually want it but I figured it'd look a bit better having 2 items there. Since she didn't want a proper birthday cake.

    2. So who is tasked to eat all the cheesecake?

    3. I guess mostly me hahaha. Still have 3 pieces in the freezer.
