Monday, March 13, 2023

Ice skating

Need to catch up a bit on posts. This was earlier, before CNY.

JE had been planning a ice-skating trip with her friends for ages. SE was excited too at first but eventually decided that she wouldn't join, no thanks to JE discouraging the little sis from tagging along.  I tried to persuade SE - might as well both enjoy skating since I was already fetching them there! - however she didn't budge.  

The day dawned...

One all ready for ice-skating

One only watching from outside

We left JE to wait for her friends and went for coffee and doughnuts.

Draw draw

Then we walked around Sunway Pyramid a bit and took some photos.  The Xmas decorations weren't taken down yet.

SE with Xmas trees

SE with flowers

SE with a cute mushroom creature

Then we walked over to the side with CNY deco.  SE was cooperative in posing and I thought the photos turned out nice.

Bunny year next

Pretty peach blossoms

SE with CNY deco

Selfie with Mummy

And that's how we amused ourselves until it was time to pick JE up. :)


  1. Well, at least you and SE have a one-on-one bonding session. Nice photos! 👍 SE doesn't need to wear specs for non-reading activities is it?

    1. She hasn't worn specs for some years now.

    2. Her eyesights have recovered fully? That is very good 👍

    3. Ya I had resigned myself to her always needing specs coz her power was so high. Of course can always deteriorate again if don't take care.

    4. Wah, very good. High power can recover fully. Did she go for lasik?

  2. seems like SE is more closer to you, compared to JE who is more adventurous (outgoing). I remembered to enjoy skating at such age too. Used to go to Sunway Pyramid one coz back then it was the largest skating ring in M'sia.

    1. SE is stubborn as a mule, but on the other hand she shows affection more easily than JE. I went ice-skating ONCE. Think quite enough for a lifetime haha.

  3. JE is in the phase where she wants to be with friends. Glad you and SE had a wonderful time together while waiting for JE. Photos of SE turned out very well.
