Saturday, May 18, 2024

Mother's day 2024

A post so that next year we won't be wondering, what did we do for Mother's Day last year?  Haha.  

My father just had spine surgery done and wasn't up to going out yet.  We ordered in BBQ pork ribs, sticky chicken wings, pork neck curry, garlic bread, 2 kinds of potatoes and our helper Jane made a simple salad.

Must cut up these ribs...

As usual the kids had their table.

Hmm looks all right

Unfortunately my mother felt unwell halfway through dinner and went to lie down for the rest of the night.

The rest of us continued feasting... there was way too much food, but once the vultures/tapao crews were done, there was no more problem.

By the next morning, my mother had recovered with the help of some Panadol.


  1. Hhmmm my comment disappeared.
    Glad to hear that your mom is feeling ok after rest and Panadol 👍

    Pray 🙏 that your father is feeling ok too after the major spine surgery.


    1. Tq! My father has various aches, but the one troubling him the most did disappear after the surgery.

    2. Glad to hear that the surgery is a success! 👍

  2. Food looks very good 😊 👍
    Where did you order the ribs from?

  3. It was a home-based cook (nice guy!) I found during MCO. He's at Bandar Sri Damansara which would be pretty far from you. Put his contact here anyway in case: James at Hungry Smoke +60 16-674 9471.
