Friday, August 30, 2024

Drinks not Food

While she has moved on from her tiny-eater underweight childhood days, JE is always more interested in drinks than food.  And the Mummy is someone who doesn't order drinks (unless it's coffee) if she can help it haha.  So JE gets drinks when the Papa is there, or when it's somewhere with special drinks, where even I am slightly interested.

Iced yuzu matcha

I have a drink!

Yes to drinks!

She buys only drinks at school recess time too, not food.  Must check whether this is my kid HAHAHA (oh wait she did come from my tummy). 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Ah Kong’s birthday 2024

My father turned 82, happy birthday! 

He was still feeling poorly from spine surgery though, and preferred not to go out as he cannot sit for very long.  So food was tapao-ed... Nyonya-style dishes from Little Yum Yum.  We like the cooking from this place.

All our favs

Sis made the cake...


All together now!

Happy birthday to Ah Kong!

The kids all got together and made him a card.  It's a drawing of things and experiences they associate with Ah Kong - in the center, the birthday cake.  Then around: his chair, his mug, him sleeping with Ah Mah beside touching his tummy, him reading to SE when she was 5 and various others.  Some need the individual artist to explain haha.  I thought this card is a very good idea!  It's drawn on A3 thick paper and is pretty large.  Currently it's stuck to a room door.

Birthday card for Ah Kong

It is my fervent wish he will get better soon and be able to do the all things he enjoys without having pain.  The spine surgery was in March.  He felt less pain soon after and we'd heaved a sigh of relief.  However later on he started having various pains all over the body.  :( 

Monday, August 19, 2024

Sekinchan Day2

As usual I would wake up first in the mornings.  SE is easy to wake and doesn't take long in the bathroom.  Hubby is easy to wake as well but needs the bathroom longer.  JE is HARD to wake and takes AGES in the bathroom.  Hahaha.

Creepy moomin/piglets are watching JE sleep

One of Sekinchan's attractions are now apparently these props.  These pics are from our accommodation compound but we drove past another such place.  Saw cars driving in dislodging people whose sole aim was to take photos with these.

If only the paddy fields were GREEN or golden YELLOW hmmffff.

Me and my mummy

Staircase to nowhere

The most green patch of paddy

We had shark porridge and stir-fried shark for lunch at Jiann Chyi - it was pretty good - before heading back home.  OK lah, it was a pleasant short trip overall.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sekinchan No Paddy

Had a short trip to Sekinchan recently.  Conclusion.... I GIVE UP on catching paddy in season! EVERY single visit, someone decides to harvest the paddy right before I go!  Gngnnggnnnn.  OK story anyway.

The plan was a seafood lunch at Sekinchan, but traffic was heavy and we would reach lunch late.  At the moment, regular meal-times are very important for the sake of SE's 3-meal-3-snack program. Spotted this place, checked that it had good reviews on Google and u-turned to it.  

Let's check out this place

Well it was all right, nothing to shout about.  There was a butterfly farm a few doors away but they kindly told us that since it was raining, the butterflies would be hiding.  So we just had drinks to wait out the rain before proceeding to Sekinchan.

Our accommodation was this ex-swiftlet nest building called Padi Sentral:

We sleep with the birds!

I rather like the industrial style of the place - bare walls and little frills.  The floor was constantly very sandy - though it could have been us tramping the sand in!

Me and my pets shall take this bed

Looking out the window now... SIGHHH.  I had expected to be surrounded by lush paddy fields.  After I had diligently done my research beforehand on harvest season too.  Bleahhhh.  

Mummy's very annoyed about the paddy

Rested a bit then it was off to the regular touristy haunts - Grandma's house, Paddy Museum, the beach.

Actually not my grandma nor her house

Peace and love

My animal

Piglet done, Moomin-pig otw

SE says it's her and Mummy

We left the beach when it got dark.  We settled on Seafood D'bendang for dinner.  It got pitch dark and hubby was worried I'd drive into a paddy field hahaha.  Well I had Waze and was more worried about the late hour with SE's program in mind.  We were so glad to finally see the brightly-lit place - what an oasis in the darkness!  Food was slow but tasted pretty good once it did arrive.  

Tummies filled, it was time for a restful night. Ahhhh.