Friday, August 30, 2024

Drinks not Food

While she has moved on from her tiny-eater underweight childhood days, JE is always more interested in drinks than food.  And the Mummy is someone who doesn't order drinks (unless it's coffee) if she can help it haha.  So JE gets drinks when the Papa is there, or when it's somewhere with special drinks, where even I am slightly interested.

Iced yuzu matcha

I have a drink!

Yes to drinks!

She buys only drinks at school recess time too, not food.  Must check whether this is my kid HAHAHA (oh wait she did come from my tummy). 


  1. Won't she be hungry to just drink drinks during recess at school? What drinks? Soft drinks?

    1. Well she's in the afternoon session - goes to school after lunch so won't really be hungry at recess. Normally drinks from the vending machine - not the good stuff.
