Friday, August 19, 2011

Climbing pays

I shall climb this chair

Huff huff. Wonder what I'd find at the top

Huff puff.  This is hard work for a little girl like me

Oh what have we here?

Apples, mummy, APPLES!

Hard work pays... you climb more you get more!

Enough of philosophy... *Grab*

Hehe... no reason for this post except an excuse to showcase photos.  My intention for this blog is primarily as a record of my precious girl growing up.  As long as I keep posting with photos and some commentary, it would already be better than a traditional photo album.  I already enjoy looking back at old entries and seeing a younger Jo Ern! 


  1. Agree...agree...
    Keeping a blog like a photo journal and diary of our little ones ...allin one...

    Compared to d scrapbooking craze a few years mah fun...must cut and paste d pictures ...glue here glue there.

    Here...tap tap click...and voila....we have memories stored! I just hope blogger will still exist 10-20 yrs down d road.

  2. ya, me too. my memory is very bad, very hard for me to remember small things, so the blog really helps with keeping a record of all the growing up details:)
