Thursday, August 23, 2012

Ah Kong's birthday

Everybody smile! OK, please just look at the camera

We wanted something a little grand for my father's 70th birthday. So we booked an 8-course dinner at Dynasty Dragon. We had a big table in a private room, which was nice.  We could all sit together for once and the kids could run around without us worrying where they were.

The food was a little different from standard wedding fare. The piglet combo-ed with a garlicky chicken, the Indon-style dancing fish had a Thai-style sauce, the prawns were deep-fried with shimeiji mushrooms. Overall it was pretty yummy.

Jo Ern had her bad fall before the dinner and little Jensen got fever after the dinner. But everyone enjoyed themselves AT the dinner! Happy birthday to Papa/Ah Kong!

And the grandkid tally is 6 this year with the addition of baby Su Ern. :)

NB: I was busy feeding Su Ern at photo time... my sister's blog has better pics.


  1. Wah...very happening day you had. if me, i will probably stay at home. no mood for dinner.

  2. Rachel, oh JE had her fall a week before the dinner. Not the day itself. She was plastered up still but was recovered enough to enjoy the dinner!
