Saturday, April 4, 2020

MCO Post #2

Continuing on with posts during MCO.  For work days, I only go downstairs to grab meals and rest a while.  Other photos are sent by Jane.

We have been having a variety of food for lunch.  Jane actually made popiah from scratch (idea from my mum).  Interestingly, we had planned for a last family dinner of 'popiah' before Jane went home for her much-anticipated 1-month break.  Then the world changed... Manila was on lockdown which meant she could fly in but not get back to her home in the province.  Malaysia then followed suit with MCO.  So Jane is still with us.


Which turns out is a very good thing!

Some Filipino/Spanish glutinous rice dish

She made churros with the kids... they had fun and the results turned out pretty good.

Chefs getting ready

Rolling, shaping

Churros in various shapes

Also doughnuts.  She didn't expect the dough to rise that much.  So we ended up with tons of them!  Luckily they were yummy and soft.

Lots of doughnuts!

Looks like the kids are rather enjoying the MCO!


  1. Can sell some doughnuts to me? Your whole family is so lucky to have Jane. Not safe to fly now so she is safer staying here. Hopefully her papers are in order and she can stay with your family much much longer.

  2. Haha no la.. not commercial standard.

    Jane is good at cooking and with the kids. Not so much at cleaning and tidying. Overall definitely a positive.

    1. better this way than the other way around cos loving SE and JE is the most important thing.

  3. Its a blessing to have the maid with you to cook and keep the girls occupied especially when you have to work from home.

    1. Yes especially seeing how close she was to have left the country! Just a matter of a week or two only. Then she would now be stuck in Philippines until who knows when.
