Monday, April 20, 2020

MCO Post #4

Still staying at home under MCO.  Still no change in my working hours and working attitude (I hate my job!).  But taking a step back and looking at the overall situation, I should not focus on the negative.  I'm still earning a salary.  Hubby's business is bad as expected but he did manage to get a reduction on rental. 

Still MCO-ing

SE learnt how to harvest Indian borage/mint leaves to make the drink she likes. 

Just for a change and to celebrate having gone through another tough week (for me), we had McDonald's for lunch last weekend.  This was also helpful as a 'carrot' to make SE do her google online assignments haha.  I tried the drive-thru for the first time and was impressed at the efficiency of the service. 

McDonald's, YAY!

Not too long more for MCO.  Must enjoy the good parts while we can.


  1. You sound very sure that it will be not too long more. I wish it would go on till end of May 2020 to keep more people safe.

    1. Not sure lah. I also don't really want it to end yet.

  2. Good that you look on the bright side. Three months and your project will be completed. At least you can look forward to that.

    1. It's very difficult to get through the work days. I should just relax since he can't get me fired and there's no hope he will change his mind about me, but.. can't really do that.

  3. During and after MCO, businesses are affected and both employers and employees will have a hard time. I have a feeling that MCO will not be lifted so soon.

    1. Based on the criteria to have single-digit daily cases, yeah won't be so fast.

  4. McD Sg was advised by SG MOH to close until early May because some of their staff got infected. Pray that it won't happen here. SE loves to drink mint leaves drink? That is so unique because seldom children like herb drinks. They must be happy to be eating McD. Oh, you went for the drive-thru. Guess you need to run the car engine also so might as well drive-thru to get the McD.

    1. Yes engine running but it was so fast. First window, give order. Drive on to next window, make payment. Final window, collect food. Just slight queue as there were 3 cars in front of me.

  5. SE loves to drink mint leaves drink?

    1. She likes it at the moment. Their tastes normally change after a while though.
