Sunday, April 3, 2022

Cards and Resolutions

Oh where did March go... it's a new month already.  Been so busy with hubby's recovery sessions, getting the kids ready for school, work.  Luckily I can still work from home for now.  Which saves a lot of time on preparation and travelling.  I can nip away from work a while to take care of things like grocery-shopping, laundry and ironing.  Our maid now stays with hubby during weekdays so I have to manage uniforms for the kids - whether the day calls for uniform, sportswear or school shirt.

Will just pop the cards the kids made me for my March birthday here...

From SE, a cute penguin holding a balloon with an apologetic comment "This was rushed". 

Penguin from SE

From JE, an avocado haha.

Avocado from JE

Wait, what's that?  "Avocado is fat like mama"??

Poor avocado

I did manage to finally lose some weight before hubby's surgery.  But after that, what with staying home with food for comfort and without much exercise, with CNY... well the tummy became rather 'padded' again.  

Now that the kids go off with the transporter before 7.30am, I have time for some exercise before starting work at 9am.  Current resolution:  To finally fit into my work pants once and for all.  And after that, to REMAIN so. 


  1. good that the kids are now back to school so that you can have some 'quiet' time to focus on work and personal stuffs (such as exercising). The avocado picture made me laugh....coz it sounds like indirectly teasing mama is fat....aduiii!

    1. Look at the tummy on that avocado hahaha.

  2. Hahaha JE is so cute to write that sentence. The avocado is cute like mommy. No doubt. SE's penguin is very cute too. SE wrote that it was a rushed drawing in such small print that I nearly didn't see it. So sweet to receive cards from them both, right? All the best to your husband's recovery and to your shedding off a layer off your tummy! You both can do it!💪💪💪

    1. Thank you! I do keep weighing myself holding my soft toy Porky and telling the kids "Porky and me are getting fat". Which prompts them to go "Porky hardly weighs anything! MAMA fat!!" Hehehe.

  3. So sweet of the girls to draw their own birthday cards for mommy. Both cards are cute. Glad that you are able to fit into your work pants again. That is good exercise.

    1. Oh wait, my goal is to fit into those pants. That has... not happened. Yet hehe.
