Saturday, April 23, 2022

JE's Birthday 2022

JE is 12!  
My lovely cake mmmm

And when your birthday falls in the middle of the week, there is a good chance of multiple celebrations.  First, lunch at Rolling Daruma the weekend before birthday...

Spicy mayo noodle mmmm

Then on the actual day (a Tuesday), dinner at Asiari near my parents' place for halal Chinese food.  Well fasting month had already started and first choice was very busy.  Birthday girl happily ordered a drink and the sis happily shared it. 

This Su Ern is taking so much

Finally cake the weekend after.  She chose a dense chocolate cake which I was rather happy to eat haha.

Happy birthday to me!

Of course after THAT, she still had a present to choose.  Talk about a looongg celebration!


  1. Happy Belated Birthday JE! lucky girl got all the makan makan and present! i like the chocolate cake too!

  2. Happy 12th birthday to JE! She is such a generous girl to share with SE. Lovely family photo. I want to eat that cake too. I wonder what present she chose for her birthday.

    1. SE basically just grabs the drink. But JE can't protest as SE's birthday is a month away and she might want to 'share' SE's stuff too.

  3. Happy birthday to JE! She has grown into a lovely young lady. I would enjoy that cake too.
