Saturday, April 29, 2023


At SE's exam earlier this year, those eggdogs appeared again. These are the creatures SE draws at the end of all her exam papers.  Well I'm not going to be too stressed about it - her BM is still bad but her marks have picked up.  The other subjects are all right.  We think that this is a private school so they probably arrange it so students are not too discouraged. So just documenting down these eggdogs.  Of which there are quite many haha.

Exhibit A - the 'oh dear's:

Not getting the 'C', but getting the 'D'

For science, apparently the teacher isn't too good at teaching...

Always read its science book and still doesn't understand

She says she has already cleared the things she doesn't know, either by the teacher or by her personal tutor, Ah Kong aka my father.

Exhibit B - the good subjects:

Ending with a 98% for English.


  1. Wow! Her drawings are so creative and her hand writing is so neat. You must keep all her drawings for her nicely.

    1. Have to note that she is drawing these things DURING exam time and on the exam paper! I will just close one eye.

  2. She is quite expressive in her drawings, well at least she tell her honest words, hopefully the teacher will read!

    1. Dunno if the teachers noticed! The drawings are small - the printed numbers beside some of them are actually the page numbers of the exam paper.

  3. I love eggdog! It's like commercial in the printed copies. Excellent marks for English paper, well done!
