Wednesday, April 24, 2019

SE's second dentist visit

Fast forward 2 weeks, it was time to go back to the dentist.  The milk teeth didn't show any signs of getting shaky.  So I prepared SE by telling her that for me last time, the dentist put some gel and then gave an injection before taking out the tooth.  And off we went.

Told SE she'd get a toy if she was brave that day.  JE wasn't happy about that.  She said she had 8 teeth out already and didn't get any toy.  This one had wanted to come along that day but she was being a nuisance sulking away.

No! Su Ern cannot get toy!

It was a long wait as the patient before us had a long procedure.  Finally, after an hour:

I'm going to get a toy later!

The dentist was patient and kind, and took the time to talk to SE first.  She confirmed the milk teeth were still strong.  She would have to put the gel and injection.  And immediately SE started screaming and kicking.

No! No want injection!!

And wriggled and crawled away from the dentist chair.

No... I don't want injection

After taking time off work and waiting so long for our turn, I really wanted to get this over with.  But really, no deal with an uncooperative patient.  Tried to hold her down, but she was struggling violently and pushing the dentist away.


After half an hour of this, we had to give up.  She gets a reprieve of another 2 weeks to try to push the milk teeth with her fingers.

Sigh.  Another round of consultation fees.  When will this end...


  1. wah, SE is really a tough girl, even a new toy couldn't motivate her. but she got injections on her arm before right? just tell her it will be like an ant bite. Did JE say anything about SE not going through with it? at this time of writing, are the two front milk teeth still not out yet?

    1. Nope, still there. We tried all kinds of ways - tell her it'd be quick, like ant bite, doesn't she want nice teeth, if not will get ugly teeth etc etc. Kiddo didn't buy any of it.

  2. Guess holding her down won't work cos she is strong and it is quite dangerous I would say to try to inject a struggling child in the mouth on the gums. the needle may break from her struggling.

  3. Oh no.. poor girl.

    Last time j also kena the same. But luckily the dentist just talk "nonsense" and distracted him. He didnt tell him got injection. While he was distracted, the nurse discreetly pass the stringe to the dentist. Poke.. kau tim. Lol.

    1. Hope her milk teeth will soon be wobbly and no need to go dentist la.

    2. Milk teeth still going strong. It was either of 2 ways right... explain and prepare the kid for this, or just 'attack' when they are ignorant. The first approach definitely didn't work!

    3. ah, maybe the just attack way words better for SE.

  4. I too hate injections. Poor SE, I hope the milk teeth will loosen soon.

    1. Yeah I am very much afraid of going to the dentist too!

  5. I hope her teeth will loosen soon.
