Thursday, June 6, 2024

Did well

Awards Day was held at SE's school.  SE said everyone got an award for something so I didn't need to to attend.  

Later she found out students were allowed to go home after the event.  Since hers was the morning session, it would be many hours before the transporter arrived.  So she asked me to attend in order to 'rescue' her.  So... ok lah go.

The hall was set up with pomp.  Nice.  The playing of Negaraku always invoke feelings in me now that I seldom hear it.  As the event progressed I realised... SE had done very well indeed!  She received awards in English and Moral for being the overall best in her whole standard.  And one for being second in class.

I was overwhelmed.  My little girl, who had been struggling with anorexia.  Whose health resulted in her having to be kept away from school a whole month, in almost everything else being pushed aside.  I had to hold back the tears.

Proud mama was there!

With my awards

Kudos also to my parents who had been helping her with study-time.

With Ah Mah

Ah Kong shaking my hand


  1. Congratulations SE 👏🎉! Keep up the good 👍 work ! Your parents are a gem 💎 👍😊

  2. Congratulations SE, and to parents too. Inspiring to see she got the awards depite her journey❤️

  3. congratulations SE, parents and grandparents too! That's quite impressive achievement!
