Sunday, June 30, 2024

Melaka 2024

April 2024 Melaka

Better blog before I forget.  :)  JE requested to go to Melaka for the school holidays, so why not.  We always enjoy messing about in Jonker Street.

It was straight from KL to The Daily Fix cafe for lunch.  I do like this place *happy*.  

My fav - pancakes, ham, sausage, banana, maple syrup

This time we checked out the upstairs.

Instagrammable stairs

Instagrammable windows

Then we proceeded to the messing around in Jonker Street.  


Old doorway

'Jemput masuk' This is actually a hotel

Check out my muscles!

Tired ourselves out nicely and timing was then good to check into our accommodation.


  1. the last photo is such a contrast, one is full of muscle and the other is just skeleton...aduiii!

    1. She was literally a skeleton. This pic she's at least reaching the low end of the healthy weight range for her height.

  2. The Daily Fix cafe - ok, I have noted down this cafe if I ever go visit melaka. Good to see SE enjoying herself and posing for all these photos. Can spot JE behind SE in some of the photos. Good memories are created 👍😊

    1. SE is way more obliging than JE at posing for photos.
