Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Definition:  Refeeding is the process of reintroducing food after malnourishment or starvation.

The ideal weight for her height is 38kg - she was at least 35kg before this eating disorder.  She hit a bottom of only 25kg.  How can a growing child drop over 10kg... :(

Weight, and thus health, recovery was critical.  The 'prescription':

1. 3 meals and 3 snacks a day
2.  Lunch/dinner - 90g protein, 2 spoonfuls of veg  and the equivalent of 150g rice.   
3.  Milk powder 3 times a day
4.  A scoop of protein powder once a day
5.  Medication to help on weight gain and the phobia of food

And I'd thought going back to her normal diet would be enough.  This 'prescription' is definitely more than what she was consuming.  

I am thankful that refeeding was relatively trouble-free.  There were some hiccups and resistance.  But overall she was able to follow the refeeding prescription.  

I quite like this

She is 33kg now.  Other symptoms of the eating disorder are still there.  At least she is no longer on the brink of starvation.


  1. good job SE and mummy! At least her weight has increased by 8 kg from the previous lowest record. Keep it up!

  2. Good 👍 to see her weight is climbing up. Keep it up 💪

  3. Yes getting there, slowly but surely with refeeding table is good. Keep it up. Love to see she takes green first.

    1. The green was at the top of the pile hahaha.
