Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Kiwi the Plushie

This is the story of Kiwi.  So there was a Zespri promotion going on at the supermart.  You get a keychain if you take a picture with the mascot and post it on FB.  So here is the pic...  

Pic with mascot, check

Then you get to spin the wheel if you buy two boxes of kiwifruit.  We did and SE got a recycle bag from the spin.  Check.  The promoter kept the receipt.

Then there was an Instagram contest for a creative picture with kiwifruit.  SE put in this entry...

Cute kiwis for u, now give me prize

And won!  The prize is only a plushie, not a big deal, but it's still a prize.  Only issue is, a receipt was needed as proof of purchase in order to claim the prize.  And our receipt was already taken by the promoter.  Lots of anxious moments while we messaged Zespri and waited for their reply.  They didn't respond on Insta so tried FB and... well it took some time.

But finally.... the plushie landed.  It has been named 'Kiwi'. 

Kiwi says Hello!

One happy ending and one happy kiddo.  Check.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Balloon Turtles

Hands-down my fav balloon art so far!  SE saw this clown giving balloons and queued for one.

I want turtle please

I got, THREE turtles!

So cute eh?  Wow one (normal) balloon can make THREE turtles!

I was expecting a turtle like the one she got from Pu Tien 1U earlier.  They had free balloons for kids... SE wanted a green turtle but someone else had booked it.  The staff was kind enough to come by later with a yellow one just for her.

With my turtle

Cute right?

Hmm wasn't pre-planned, but SE was so thin in the earlier photos.  Date: August 2023.  Thank God physically she is much better now.

Melaka Last day

The last day of any holiday is always a short one, what with the time hubby and the kids wake up (me, my body clock wakes me up earlier) and the noon check-out.  I totally forgot the pool was closed despite a few reminders.  Went with SE (JE couldn't be persuaded to go) and just took some photos before leaving.

Pool is closed

Just pose for pictures

Last item on agenda was lunch at Tong Sheng.  There are all these places I want to eat at but they are far from where we are, have long queues, not suitable for some of us etc.  Finally can cross this one off the list.  Found the cheese prawn bihun not really special as it's not very different from normal sang har meen.  The crab requested by SE was big but not super-fresh.  The garlic squid was all right.  What I really liked was the rojak sauce pork - basically like Penang rojak with added fried pork and lots of peanuts (also available with chicken).  My maid has already replicated it once at home, to my mum's approval. :)

Big dish of crab too

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Melaka Next

JE likes satay celup so that will be one of our meals in Melaka.  We tried out a place new to us, McQuek's main branch.  Good thing is, it's out of the busy town area and parking was a breeze.  But.... there is still a queue heh.

Stand or squat, up to you

This place is more spacious than the others in a shoplot.  Hmm but I don't like the sauce as I find the cinnamon in it too strong.

Subway sandwich for SE, satay celup for others

The next day... we hit Jonker street again.  Stopped at Kee Nguyen for coffee and avocado ice cream, good stuff.

Peeps waiting for coffee

Take photo while waiting

JE likes 'tanghulu' aka fruits on a stick with a crispy sugar coating.  SE used to like these too... in her current state with an eating disorder she doesn't take these things.  Funny that in the past I didn't like the girls being so into cotton candy, tanghulu, marshmallow etc.  Now I would be ecstatic if SE could start taking these again.

Pose with Jojo's tanghulu

Halfway through our walk, the heavens opened up and we had to seek shelter at the shops for quite some time. Eventually got our wet selves into the car.  Drove off, and the rain stopped in oh, 10mins.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Melaka Next day

Between the convenience of Jonker St vs the better value-for-money accommodation further away, the latter won this time.  No regrets as our apartment at Silverscape was nice (pretty sure rentals will increase once the attached mall is in operation!  It has apparently been closed since MCO but there is a ZUS coffee outlet where I happily went for breakfast while everyone was still sleeping)

SE having breakfast with a view

We headed to The Shore for lunch at Cafe Chef Wan.  I was excited... been wanting to come to this place for a while now.  There was a 40% discount lunch promotion for Ramadan month - perfect.  
Love the cafe deco! 

Us with 'Chef Wan'

The food... not so much.   At a price point of RM36, the cucur udang was huge and the fried 'nest' was lovely to look at and eat.  But the prawns were so far from fresh that the flesh was mushy.  Mee rebus and seafood horfun at RM38 each were ok, nothing special.  There are loads of interesting items on the menu though so maybe another time.  At least portions are large.  All our dishes came with multiple whole cili padi which I wiped off and brought home haha.

Us with the mee rebus and giant cucur udang

Cannot believe this huge bowl

Our visit to The Shore had another objective - the aquarium!   We went there when it was newly opened 6 years ago.  Things have gone slightly downhill - deterioration in the condition of the exhibits, less specimens in the touch pools, no more interactive game nor included souvenir.  Oh well.

Many small fishies

Big fish

Save the ship!

Got a takeaway from Subway for SE's dinner, got lost trying to find the car, then it was back to our apartment.