Thursday, July 18, 2024

Balloon Turtles

Hands-down my fav balloon art so far!  SE saw this clown giving balloons and queued for one.

I want turtle please

I got, THREE turtles!

So cute eh?  Wow one (normal) balloon can make THREE turtles!

I was expecting a turtle like the one she got from Pu Tien 1U earlier.  They had free balloons for kids... SE wanted a green turtle but someone else had booked it.  The staff was kind enough to come by later with a yellow one just for her.

With my turtle

Cute right?

Hmm wasn't pre-planned, but SE was so thin in the earlier photos.  Date: August 2023.  Thank God physically she is much better now.


  1. Ah, so cute the balloon turtles 🐢

    Ya, fortunately you took action fast to get professional help for SE to get her to eat. 👍

    1. Actually wasn't that fast. Partly because the first doc I took her to, said there was nothing wrong.

    2. You took quick action. Just that doc 1 wasn't as experienced as you in knowing SE.

  2. i'm not into balloons and dislike clown...runs far far away...LOL!

    1. Hahaha, I read the book IT a long long time ago but don't dare to watch the movie.
