Sunday, July 7, 2024

Melaka Next

JE likes satay celup so that will be one of our meals in Melaka.  We tried out a place new to us, McQuek's main branch.  Good thing is, it's out of the busy town area and parking was a breeze.  But.... there is still a queue heh.

Stand or squat, up to you

This place is more spacious than the others in a shoplot.  Hmm but I don't like the sauce as I find the cinnamon in it too strong.

Subway sandwich for SE, satay celup for others

The next day... we hit Jonker street again.  Stopped at Kee Nguyen for coffee and avocado ice cream, good stuff.

Peeps waiting for coffee

Take photo while waiting

JE likes 'tanghulu' aka fruits on a stick with a crispy sugar coating.  SE used to like these too... in her current state with an eating disorder she doesn't take these things.  Funny that in the past I didn't like the girls being so into cotton candy, tanghulu, marshmallow etc.  Now I would be ecstatic if SE could start taking these again.

Pose with Jojo's tanghulu

Halfway through our walk, the heavens opened up and we had to seek shelter at the shops for quite some time. Eventually got our wet selves into the car.  Drove off, and the rain stopped in oh, 10mins.


  1. Very nice photos of you and SE and JE. Wah, that satay celup place is so nice to allow outside food such as subway.

    1. I assume they're ok as long as patrons are generally taking food from them. Didn't ask for permission haha.

    2. Majority of eateries put no outside food signs.

  2. been to Melaka & Jonker street many years ago....very touristry and long queue everywhere.
