Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Appetite improving!

Ahm this big piece of chick-chick

Jo Ern is getting a little greedy these days, yay!  Take out biscuits, fruit and snacks and she's there demanding 'MUM MUM!'.  If you ignore her she goes 'ARK ARK!' (her first word for 'eat') to reinforce her point.  The other night I was eating some dried preserved fruit when she came and demanded some.  I'm not letting her have such non-nutritious stuff yet so quickly kept it away.  Later I wondered how come she was so quiet - turned out she'd knocked over the container, spilling its contents on the floor and there she was busy stuffing the preserved fruit into her mouth!

She still needs lots of distractions to eat her breakfast oats, lunch/dinner rice and to drink her twice-daily milk.  But she does ask for food even so - usually 'gee' for veggie and 'chick-chick' for chicken or anything resembling chicken. 

Her recent visit to the paed showed her weight climbing towards average.  Hope she gets to average soon!  Lalalala.....


  1. that's good.. there was a period of time when my girl didn't eat well too. So worrying as a mother. Luckily, she eats better nowadays but still takes about 1 hr to finish her meal!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  2. Ai, haha Jo Ern takes 1 hr for meals too! Dunno what I'd do without my maid! She's the one who is patiently feeding the kid.
