Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Eating out sans maid

My maid just requested 4 Sundays off a month to go to church. For hubby and me, that's too many when we have two young toddlers! We compromised at 2 and hopefully that's the end. Last week we went Japanese for dinner during Ilyn's day off.

It was rather stressful. SE had her baby food but refused it once our orders started arriving. She kept reaching out for our food and if you stop this girl from getting she wants, she BAWLS really loudly. She played with the chopsticks and napkins (fine), the wasabi and pickled ginger (NOT fine) and the plates (NOT fine either since they were breakable). She was also moving around a lot and I had to use my leg as a barrier in case she fell off the seat. She bawled quite a few times throughout our meal!

JE? Also climbing around and fiddling with things. She IS older now though and would stop when told off. Only thing is I have to keep asking her to eat or she wouldn't eat much.

Our table was definitely attracting attention in the restaurant! *shy*

SE: I want to play with this plate

The plus side of not bringing the maid, the bill is lower. But even thrifty me agrees with hubby that the additional cost is worth being able to enjoy our meal in peace! It doesn't help that hubby gets grumpy when stressed... and eating with a sour-faced person isn't fun at all.


  1. Stacy, this is what I have to go through ALMOST everytime when we go out to eat as a family. And yes, eating with someone sour faced is definitely VERY stressful and definitely NO FUN! Hi 5!

  2. Leona, hi 5! But I thought my problem is only short-term until the kids are a bit older. Still not good yet when younger one is 4 ah....
