Thursday, May 30, 2019

Super angry

SE gets super-angry and looks like she's about to explode.  And she can be like this for quite a while.  She got angry one swim class at a girl in JE's class who teased here and took away her swim board. After class, she sat at the edge of the pool and ranted like a mad person:

SE:  Silly, stupid, ugly Jo Ern's friend! *kick kick water violently*  Took away my board and say booo!  Stupid stupid friend!  Argggghhh!!!  Imagine this (her 2 fingers) is Jo Ern's friend. *beat beat those fingers*  *kick kick water*  Stupid, ugly...

Told her to snap out of it after 15-20mins.

It's hard to get photos/videos though, as she'd temporarily stop the behaviour or go somewhere out of reach of the camera.  This time, our maid took these pics...


Very angry

Need to teach her some anger management techniques.


  1. wow, she looks so angry in the photos. at least she didn't beat up that girl in her anger. I wonder whether or not there are any books for children teaching them how to recognize and handle their anger.

    1. Heh she has been like this since forever. Would have been scary if she weren't so small in size. But now that she's older, gotta start training her a bit.

  2. Wah! Really very angry wor! At least she didn't get into a fight with the girl who disturbed her in the first place. Was she angry with the maid for taking a picture of her? She is one tough girl because she didn't burst into tears because of the incident.

    1. Oh ya she was definitely furious with the maid. As with everything else hehe. I guess yes, at least she doesn't attack the object of her anger (unless it's JE).
