Saturday, June 14, 2014

Farm in the city

This petting zoo has been on my to-do list a while. Then S-26 (the girls' milk) club organised a trip with good rates. Yess! First up, was convinced I'd gotten the wrong address... No signboard at all. One housing area after another. Then a new commercial area. But right behind that, there it was!

Greetings from the petting zoo!

We fed various creatures. Animal food was all provided. Could have done without the numerous photographers offering to take family photos every few minutes but guess that's somebody's bread and butter. 

Come deer, come take this tasty stalk of veg

You must all be hungry, fishies!

Eat your veg, that's a good rabbit

This goat likes veg too

Did longkang fishing...

All set for some fishing!

Leave it to the pro to really catch fish though! Hubby caught 4 through his scientific method of using two nets. Me, I caught one by randomly swishing my net around. Any fish caught had to be returned to the water. (Rats, was thinking of increasing the population in my aquarium!)

This requires planning, patience, strategy...

Got close and personal with denizens of the zoo. I was surprised that JE was happily handling the animals as she can be quite a scaredy-cat. SE on the other hand was a bit scared.

JE: This is one big turtle
SE: Ih NOT ter-teh, ih TER-TIH
(Bossy boots: It's not Tur-tle. It's TOR-TOISE)

Chick in the hand and chick on the head is better than 2 in the bush


Want see the mini ponies! Waaaaa

The zoo isn't very big and the admission charges aren't low. Food options are so-so. But it's lots of fun as you get close to a lot of the animals. Overall, definitely a great place to bring the kids for half a day or so.


  1. Yes, I think this is a great place to bring city children to. An eye opener for them to see farm animals and not-farm animals.

    I see SE is a fan of Argentina Football Team, wearing their jersey. ;p

    SE's vocabulary is so good - as she knows the word tortoise. I don't think I know any English at her age, hehehe.

  2. We have something similar here in SG but it's nowhere as big!!! We did longkang fishing too and could bring back the fishes hehe

  3. Mun, there was a gift for those who wear the S-25 shirt. I picked this one coz of the colour! Hehe. Have a few that came FOC with the milk powder. As for vocab... well no big deal considering English is her first (actually the only!) language at the moment.

    Ai, yeah I remember you could 'ta pau' the fishes!

  4. Farm in the city...nice place for kids. I enjoyed it too...but rather hot only!
