Thursday, October 8, 2015

High Places

Since the arrival of the kiddos, some objects at the house had to move.  Objects which are sharp, important, small or which could cause a mess in their hands etc.  Unfortunately my kids are those who are pretty nosy. Somehow they get to most of these!  This corner in the pic below is supposed to be for adults' stuff...

Now this looks like a nice pen. They also keep scissors here

Yep, sometimes she does get a pen and draw all over the place!  The more important things are kept high though, out of reach for the kiddos... hey what's this one doing?


Wow! Treasures!

I give up lah. We do have drawers of mainly documents that they're not interested in. Other things... it's share-share!


  1. Ha ha Stacy, I like the look of your little princess! Looks like she has found her hidden treasures!

  2. Forbidden fruits are sweeter! She is really a princess wearing her crown jewels tiara all the time, so cute!

  3. Nancy, she finds EVERYTHING. :)

    Mun, haha both my girls like wearing tiara. They've gone through a few by now.

  4. haha it's just not high enough!!!! :P But have to be careful they don't bring the chairs around to climb on to get to even higher places too..

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  5. Ai, any higher *I* will need a chair to climb up too. :p

  6. Ai, any higher *I* will need a chair to climb up too. :p

  7. Ai, any higher *I* will need a chair to climb up too. :p
