Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What's in Mummy's tummy?

So I told Jo Ern there's a baby in mummy's tummy about 2-3 weeks ago.  She got it, sort of.  She would first point to my currently inside-out belly button and say 'bubbet' (bubble).  Then she'd point to my tummy and say, 'Got baby inchide!'.  Then followed by 'Got DOG inchide!'  Err I don't know how that came about but I am pretty sure there shouldn't be a dog inside...

Last week she got smarter.  She'd still happily peer under my shirt and go ''Got baby inchide!'.  But now, followed by a firm 'NO dog'.  OK, that's more like it!  At 2 yo and being a late talker, she's too young to get the concept fully.

Oh well, baby's coming real soon.  It's 5.30am and I've just finished a snack in preparation for my C-sec around 11.30am.  I haven't been sleeping well anyway so might as well update blog.  :)  I'm rather looking forward to NOT having a big bump after today!  Bump's way bigger than with Jo Ern.  Maternity clothes that previously fit to the end got too tight a month ago.  My stomach/leg muscles ache from having to push myself up.

Here's the only photo I have of both Jo Ern and bump.

Me got Dog-jee, baby got no dog


  1. Good luck Stacy!
    All the best today :)

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  2. Hi Stacy..
    I guess by this time, u are already cradling ur new bub in ur amrs now...
    Thoughts r with u... :)
    Rest well.

  3. Ooo....baby should be out in another 15 minutes or so! (btw, the timing on your blog a bit haywire)

    Can't wait to see my little niece :)

  4. By the time you read this...is Congrats!!!
    Rest well and welcome baby #2 .

  5. Thanks, everyone!

    Y, hmm must be time zone thing. I never bothered to change the standard.
