Thursday, June 21, 2012


Mummy, I think it's time for my milk

There are a few things I'm glad not to have to go through any more.

 1. Being pregnant. I can drink tea now without it leaving a bitter aftertaste. I can stand against a sink/counter without having to turn sideways. I can wear normal clothes instead of cycling through limited pieces of maternity wear. Yay!  
2. Parceling out time into 2-hour chunks. I can hardly believe when it's time to feed her AGAIN.
3. Pacing up and down trying to lull baby to sleep while bleary-eyed from lack of it myself
4. To a lesser extent, putting things on hold. We took Jo Ern to Singapore, Phuket and Hanoi. I was pregnant during the latter 2 trips and was feeling tired and queasy. Stopped overseas holidays after that. We did go for a domestic trip to Ipoh but I associate queasiness with that too. Now I'm looking forward to resuming going for holidays!

When I cuddle Su Ern, she feels so soft and warm in my arms. Everything about her is tiny yet perfect. And when she makes her little snuffly, grunty baby noises, I am a bit sad that she will be my last baby. After the years of longing for a child though, I am thankful to be experiencing motherhood. And not just once but twice over.


  1. Baby : "Mummy, I think it's time for my milk"...
    Mummy : AGAIN?

    Babies grow up so fast! Take your time to sniff their baby smell...I do miss how my baby used to smell...LOL...but I'm not suggesting I want another one! haha. Very soon, you'll be able to go travelling again!

  2. enjoy every cuddly second. I miss it alot!

  3. then cherish as much as SE will grow up fast too..n before we know it..she will be 1 yo...hohoho

  4. Juana, thanks you reminded me that even if I were to plan for another baby, I'd just be postponing the sad feeling!

    MC, heh and everyone's asking on your blog whether you're having another. :)

    Rachel, yeahh why does time fly when you don't want it to and vice versa??
