Monday, July 30, 2012

Ah Kong and Ah Mah went to Kuantan

...and we all got T-shirts! All the grandkids that is, except for Su Ern. Photos would have looked nicer if everyone wore their T-shirt and DIDN'T MOVE... but with small kids, what to do?

Erin still sleeping, Jensen struggling to get away

With Erin. Jensen changed out of Kuantan T-shirt but still struggling

That's my maid Lina in the first pic. Jo Ern refers to her as "Jo Ern kakak". One more month before she goes home for good. I'm keeping my fingers crossed her successor will at least have a decent rapport with Jo Ern. 


  1. jensen like taking photo, as in the one who holds the camera, not the one having to pose for a camera... hahah...

  2. so cute when they all wear matching clothes :)

    what's wrong with the current maid? good luck with the next one!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  3. Cat, heh kids!

    Ai, current maid is good and wants to stay. But her family wants her to go home. Sigggh.

  4. The good maids always dun stay...

    JE looks so cute in her hairstyle...why she looked so serious in the pic?

  5. Leona, she isn't 'posing' for the camera yet. :) Err also she has a blur look sometimes.
