Monday, March 9, 2015

My birthday 2015

Another year, another birthday. It's my policy to take the day off, to do whatever I felt like doing. And not to have to deal with minor issues like people wanting to buy me lunch, people wanting me to buy THEM lunch haha.  This year I was too busy with work to think of it.  Nor did I plan any nice dinner - figured it would be stressful setting expectations in case I was dragged into a late meeting or something.

The day didn't go too badly.  While I had to work a full long day, had lots of birthday wishes since my company sends out email blasts for all staff birthdays. People offered to drive me out for lunch (which I turned down coz it's a really long, hot walk out to the carpark!). My team mates bought me a slice of cake - it did feel nice having SOMETHING to mark the day!

Celebrated on the weekend. Hubby asked me what I wanted. We normally don't bother with presents - after all, hubby's money is like mine and I might as well just buy myself whatever I wanted?  Heh. But felt like having something this year. So finally selected what I've been on the look-out for, a new pendant. It's a flower in blue sapphires. :)

My flower :)

Next day I said I wanted a slice of cake, he got me a proper one. Woo-hoo!  AND voluntarily came over for a photo before I had to ask. Last year JE sang me a birthday song. This year I had to help sing heh. SE I THINK wasn't in the mood (didn't hear her voice). The waitress came over to sing since the place wasn't crowded by then.

Happy birthday to me!


  1. Happy belated birthday to you!!!

    From young I didn't have to go school on my birthday too (unless had test or something impt) because my mum said I was "queen for the day". So now, I usually don't work on my birthday too hahahaha

  2. Happy belated birthday to you, Stacy. Wow, that's a beautiful pendant. The best birthday present is having the whole family with you. I like your family photo.

  3. Happy Belated Birthday to you! The colour of the pendant is really pretty. Nice that you have a family photo to remember the day by.

  4. Nice pendant!

    Dinner at The Ship? Again?? ;-)

  5. Ai, wow I never got to skip school for birthdays!

    Nancy, true that. :)

    Mun, tq!

    Y, haha why not. Got kids and maid so how to go to posh place.
