Thursday, July 2, 2015

Without TV

Gahh what's this behind the sofa??  A walrus?  An alien??  Got 'shoes' too!

Look, mummy! Heheheee

When Mummy says no TV (again), the kids find ways to entertain themselves.  Like with these balloons...

Come, let me help you

Look, mummy! Heheheee

Then she moved on to making a variant of the first creature. This variant has a hairband and different type of mouth balloon:

Make make make

SE's hairband has fallen down though!


Hehehe these kids.  I do think going without TV some parts of the day is good for them.  JE might first ask me what she can do if she isn't allowed TV or complain that there's nothing to do.  But after that she often masterminds SE so they find things to play with, or chase each other around etc. And I get a laugh when they do things like this!


  1. Without TV, the kids use their creativity to entertain themselves. In fact, I think they will enjoy themselves more by these simple games.

  2. Without TV, the kids use their creativity to entertain themselves. In fact, I think they will enjoy themselves more by these simple games.

  3. this is good! shows that they are working their brains to think of such imaginative games to play with each other :)

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  4. Your girls are really obedient in the sense that they do not throw tantrums when you say no TV but play on their own instead.
