Received this award from
Adrine. Who happens to be my sister and is therefore expected to practise favouritism. :p Thanks anyway, sis!

Rules : To accept this award you must:
1. List 7 random things about yourself
2. Share the award with up to 15 other bloggers
3. Link to each of the recipients and let them know they've won via comments on their blogs
4. Thank and bring the love back to the person you won the award from by linking back to them.
Wah receive award must do work one! Here goes:
1. I was pregnant two years plus ago, conceived just before my sister did. The foetus didn't grow properly and had to be terminated. It was bittersweet watching my niece Elyssa grow because I was always reminded of my own lost little one. But it's all good now that I have Jo Ern. :)
2. I am a foodie who enjoys eating, buying, thinking about and looking at food. I'd love to be a great cook but very much doubt that will happen. At least after avidly scouring cooking websites I do have several decent dishes in my repertoire!
3. I don't like wasting food. I do end up using imperfect ingredients for cooking instead of throwing them away - cracked eggs, wrinkled vegs, expired stuff etc. Hubby regularly accuses me of trying to poison him.
4. Scared silly of snakes. I think it was my older cousin who started this phobia, coz I remember being a small kid and going into a snake house at a zoo. Cousin came along and was freaking out while I looked at this and that snake. Same cousin told me to avert my eyes every time I passed a cemetary. I did, for years, luckily it one didn't develop into a phobia. The snake one did though.
5. If I'm not good at something, I lose interest in it very fast. Like playing chess, dancing, playing the piano. And heaps of other things too. I thus have relatively few interests, heh.
6. I am a banana. Can't read Chinese much, can't speak much.
7. Oo last one already... err I love shopping from a catalogue. When I was a member of Cosway previously, I'd be so happy to receive the new catalogue. Then will happily go through the thing a few times. When I was a student in UK, I was forever leafing through the Argos catalogue looking for new things to buy.
Oo that wasn't too difficult! I shall not tag anyone since I am new at blogging and haven't really sent out feelers to bloggers I like yet. Hence very few people know I exist. :)