Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Walks resume

We had to stop our morning walks during EMCO (which transitioned to MCO 3.0).  The kids were out of shape after two weeks of being confined at home.  And all-complaining as usual haha

Walk walk *pant pant

The story of the Ploopians also continued.  Until one day.... it was the end.  SE said she couldn't think  how to continue the story.

The end

Aww so that's it?  Silence for a few seconds.  And then.... in a loud voice. INTRODUCING, THE PLUSHIES!  

Yayy!  My morning stories continue!  *happy

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Ah Kong's birthday 2021

For my father's birthday this year, we celebrated as best as we could during a pandemic.  Syrian food from a nearby restaurant (dine-ins are not allowed)...

All of us and the food

And a cake - check out all the candles alight!

Happy birthday to Ah Kong!
I should have taken a group photo!  It would have been just JE/SE/me and my brother who came by after dinner.

Happy 79th birthday to my father and hopefully next year we will celebrate his 80th in style.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Any improvement?

A peek... nope, no improvement.  Still the same when doing schoolwork.  Will be in this position most of the time...

Bad teachers. Give so much homework


Friday, August 6, 2021

Food during MCO

What's there to do during MCO right?  Can't go to the mall, can't go anywhere, can't even go outdoors without a reason.  So we EAT.  :)

Satay! From Satay Sumo

Take picture with satay because Mummy says so

We have fast food quite often as the kids like it.

Pizza from Domino's

Burger fixed at home

Options nearby are limited to halal food.  Luckily the kids can take a certain level of spicy food now, although SE needs to have her meat scraped of its curry sauce and then drowned in water or soup before she will eat it.  And JE is not above proclaiming food 'too spicy!' if she does not like it.  So I still have to make sure there's something non-spicy on the table.

Briyani from downstairs

Tried this famous nasi lemak.  But it didn't live up to my expectations.  Actually my more expensive orders generally don't so I should just stick to 'normal' fare. 

Nasi lemak from NALE

And lots more of course.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Mummy's 'electronic' game

SE has been doing this 'electronic' game for me for oh, 3 weeks already.  She draws everything, screen by screen, on the magnetic board.  The premise is, your village is being invaded by zombies.  You go on quests to gain money and green stones.  50 green stones will win the game.  In the meantime, you need to use money for various things.

*scritch scritch

Various characters will pop up.  Some have skills they will share with you if you take them in.  But they will require food and housing.  You can choose which characters to take.  Some are just wackos.
Screens can be very wordy

Sometimes the "Creator" (which is SE) sets certain rules and you cannot go against her.  Certain quests are compulsory.  The quests include drawing hats, dresses, toys etc for people who will then give you money.  

No, mama MUST choose this

Sometimes she finishes scribbling very fast and nudges me.  I look over and the screen only has a bar in the middle with the word "Loading...."  (I found this very funny!).  She patiently erases everything and redraws the next screen.

Draw draw

There are also various mini-games within the main game.  This particular one, I chose a cute character and then that cloud over its head.  The "Creator" had to go take a poo halfway so this character did the same.

Taking a poo on the toilet bowl

Game shows no sign of ending yet. :)