So hubby told me the day before he left for his Myanmar trip that he'd bought a new camera. As usual the purchase was in my absence coz otherwise I'd be nagging that my Sony Cybershot is still good, heh. Ah well, I'm rather fed-up that so many of my photos of Jo Ern turn out blur, especially the indoor shots. Got new camera also good la.
Then the day he returned, he called to say the camera had been stolen in KLIA. Aiyo I hadn't even seen it! Apparently his friends wanted to take a picture with the air stewardesses after the plane landed. Someone obviously noticed his spanking new camera then. He'd been so careful with it all over Myanmar too. There went the hundreds of shots taken on his holiday, just like that!
Now if it were MY camera that'd been stolen, I'd have sulked and refused to look at cameras for a while. Hubby leh, IMMEDIATELY went back to buy another one. Of the exact same model. This Canon is in between an auto and a DSLR in terms of functions and appearance. Must go play with it a bit...