A few more stories on SE from our previous maid. Might as well jot them down here.
At the maid agency while doing her check-out
1. Gen used to call her '
Su Ya' instead of 'Su Ern' whenever she's naughty. One day:
Maid: If you are naughty, I will call you Su Ya.
You cannot call me Su Ya, kakak. My papa don't like.
Hehe actually the papa can't be bothered! How did she get it in her head to use the papa's name?
Feed the good girl, kakak
2. Telling the kakak:
Actually, the girl who go to school (meaning JE), ih the naughty one. The girl who stay at home (meaning herself), ih the good one.
In reality... it's kind of the other way round.
3. In the car:
Maid: You pee-pee in pants so smelly, I go and take care of Erin
But Erin eat so messy.
Maid: Eat so messy better than pee-pee so smelly
No! Pee-pee melly ih better than eat messy. Heheheee.
There are no stories from the new maid yet - first, her English isn't too good and second, guess she's still getting her bearings.