Monday, October 14, 2024

Swimming again

Marking this time when SE was able to resume swimming.  We used to go every weekend until the visit to the doc in Dec 2023 when the doc immediately ordered no exercise, and especially no swimming.  The following weekend, and the ones after that, I went alone.  With a feeling of sadness when I requested 1 towel at the counter instead of 3.  JE (the lazybones) took the opportunity to opt out of swimming as well - but SE later said this made her feel that JE was supporting her.

All that in the past.  On this day, I requested 3 towels again.  :)  :)

Mini historic event hehe

Friday, October 4, 2024

70% there

SE was regularly going to the doc about the anorexia.  We learnt a lot initially starting Dec 2023 but subsequent visits weren't much - basically progress (i.e. weight gain) wasn't up to mark, need to do more and to see her again in about 3 weeks.  Then in mid-April 2024, there was one appointment where I couldn't make it. The nurse normally calls before appointments but this time she didn't.  I was wavering whether to make a new appointment or not to bother until SE's weight was ok.   That's how the long gap happened.  We finally went to see doc again in Sept 2024.  I was totally expecting to be reprimanded for not taking her there earlier.

Surprisingly, things went well.  Doc said congratulations, SE was 70% there already.  She could be allowed physical activities.  And next visit in 3 months only, woohoo!

Only thing was medication was to be continued.  Oh well we shall get there.

My own assessment:
1.  Weight - good at 37kg
2.  Constant exercise - don't see this already
3.  Diet - needs improvement.  Her regime had been too-healthy food like plain yogurt/boiled eggs and she is resistant to 'fatty' foods like fries/cake/ice-cream.  She is still wiping sauce off food.  But the progress towards normal eating IS happening.
4.  Behaviour - out from the previous withdrawn shell of a girl and back to being herself.  For this one I am super thankful.

OK, dinner time!