Thursday, February 24, 2011

New skillz

See Mummy, I can stand!

Baby Jo Ern is well on the way to becoming a toddler.  She is crawling about now (though I think it's cuter when she's zipping around flat on her tummy!).  The other day, I left her in the living room while I went to wash her Avent cup.  Came back to see her head coming up over the 5th step leading to the dining area.  Almost gave me a heart attack - I didn't even know she could climb stairs and there she was at the top! 

She can pull herself up to stand.  Her favourite place to check out is our coffee table where hubby typically has placed some snack.

Then she can open cupboards and drawers too.  She loves to rummage around and helps herself to whatever she finds interesting.  Found her at my kitchen drawer happily taking out my beehoon. 

What are these things mummy keeps in here?

What I really like though, is when she comes over and leans her body or head on me.  Can't get enough of this display of affection at the moment!

1 comment:

  1. I truly agree with u about the last part... where they just come and lean their head on us. Ally still does that and its so heartwarming.
    It's funny but Ryan NEVER did that when he was a baby. Maybe its a girl thing...girls being more affectionate and attached!
