Yes... this is a very good vintage
Pic shows Jo Ern inhaling alcohol from hubby's glass. Future wine connoisseur or alcohol junkie? Hmm... I personally wouldn't encourage this at all. Told hubby that addicts get high from sniffing glue just like this. But hubby decided that's a completely different thing. And will offer Jo Ern his glass to smell. She on her part already knows that she won't get to actually drink, and will still happily stick her little nose in the glass and breathe in deeply. Sigh. I shall compromise and take a step backwards. Maybe it's good to have a counter-point to my overprotectiveness.
Since I'm on the topic... couple of other points on which hubby and I think differently:
1. I am following my mum's rule of no snacks right before meals. Hubby on the other hand believes in having many small meals and thus snacks whenever he likes. Only last weekend, with lunch to be served at 12.30pm, he made himself instant noodles with an egg around noon. On the bright side, this is someone who will never complain that meals are late! I have basically come to terms with this. Well sort of, I do get annoyed when he doesn't do justice to a meal I've painstakingly cooked because he just had a big snack of roast pork washed down with Guinness Stout.
Jo Ern is showing the same preference for snacks vs meals. Hubby says might as well let her eat what she wants rather than force her to eat what she doesn't. He will give her the biscuits, bread and whatnot she asks for while I am cooking dinner. I do intend to fight this battle, to get proper meals into the kid! (Hubby says biscuits and bread are also nutritious what... grrr)
2. Hubby recently decided that a 2am curfew was right for an 18-year old girl. I would freak out if 16 years in the future, my precious Jo Ern wasn't home by, oh, 11pm! Heh. But I am aware also that setting unreasonable rules will mainly result in broken rules. Oh well, I still have time to enjoy her childhood innocence and will cross this bridge when it comes.