Monday, June 25, 2012


JE: Mummy! MUMMY!!
Me: What?
JE: Tongue (sticks out tongue and points to it)

Chee tongue

JE: Mummy! MUMMY!!
Me: Don't want to look at your tongue
JE: Mummy! MUMMY!! MUMMY!! (x10)
Me: sigh.... What?
JE: Tongue (sticks and points to tongue again)
Me: deep breath

Chee? Tongue

This one started way before Su Ern's arrival. :) 

When I started my confinement for Su Ern, I was thinking of my confinement with Jo Ern 2 years ago. Cousin Elyssa then was 2yo as well and she could talk way more than JE.  But suddenly, in the space of that one month, JE's verbal skills improved by leaps and bounds. Going into the month, she was only stringing a few words together. Coming out, she was quite the chatterbox! 

Now I can't talk over her head any more. She repeats what people say, often not quite correctly. She doesn't mind repeating herself and asking for attention endlessly. She's really entertaining when I am free. But can be rather annoying when I'm trying to get something done!


  1. cute! does she like to sing too? My girl really likes singing and sometimes "rapping"... fun to hear and try to make up the words although most often it sounds like gibberish when she sings, although she talks pretty well.

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  2. ahhahahahahah another chatterboz in the family. she still goes to ur parents everyday right..where the other cousins are??? so exposed to all the talking!!!

  3. Ai, she doesn't sing per se. I think that's coming as she's going 'falling down falling down' to London Bridge!

    Rachel, yep that's still the routine. She suddenly just started talking a lot.
