Friday, July 20, 2012


After about a month of hassling hubby, we finally took Jo Ern swimming. Did she like it? Let's see...

Water! Mummy, this is sooo fun!

Bubbles! Papa, this is sooo fun!

Oo let me get my hands on the slides

Take a pic of me! This is sooo fun!

She didn't like it, she LOVED it! And has been asking to go 'chimming' since. :)

Next time we exchange ok? I take SE and you take JE

We really should come more often. We have been paying the club subscription without even setting foot in it for the last 2 years. Hubby, how about less TV and more swimming??


  1. let's plan to go tropicana together on sunday mornings, then jo ern can swim together with jensen and justin. the kids will love it.

  2. Cat, that's a good idea. One of these days ok? :)

  3. Since she likes it so much, better take advantage n bring her more often. Chan Geh Hui (in cantonese)

  4. Rachel, thing is hard to plan - too hot cannot raining cannot. I also want to go swim myself, but quite hard if bringing the kids!

  5. Phew peet.....gonna show Johnny the last pic.

  6. Y, haha... and he looks so natural holding the baby. At least Jo Ern is hiding most of me. :)
