This happened when the maid was combing out JE's hair. I was watching the process.
Maid: See this one? Got blood inside. It was sucking your blood
JE: What happen when people got no more blood?
Maid: Hahaha got no more blood, DIE lah! Hahaha.
JE: ....
After a minute, head still bent for kakak to comb....
Me and Maid: Why? Why cry?
JE: Dowan no more blood... WaaAAAAA
Hahah this kiddo. Thought she was going to die from a few tiny lice.
Stop laughing at me, Mummy!
Anyway, it was only the girls and one maid who had lice, the boys and the other adults were fine. SE had it mild as her hair is fine and not thick - cleared up after one application of shampoo. JE's cleared up after about 3 times.