Sunday, June 18, 2023

Work lately

So work... has lately been pretty horrible.  A key client personnel joined the project to head the area I'm in charge of and (I think) his primary aim was to prove his worth.  Very quickly he complained about me and requested my management to replace me - for reasons which seemed unjustified.  Initially I thought I could easily save the situation.  Then as things progressed it seemed this person's expectations was a thorough study of existing processes, then a proposal to revamp and redesign.  Well this was never part of my expectations and I was surprised when my management accepted the additional scope.  

The person I experienced such stress working with over 2 years ago was brought in to help drive project progress.  And again the pressure and stress mounted for me.  I cancelled various leave during the last school holidays.  While the girls had decided not to go anywhere, I'd planned to take them out for day trips and movies. Well, nothing doing, all the hours in the day weren't enough for work and mentally I couldn't think of much else.

OK now that phase is done (about a month for my own record).  I avoided the toxic person as much as I could (mostly succeeding heh).  Things now resume.  I am still to be replaced on the project but that doesn't seem such a bad thing now - in fact quite a few people on the project have expressed envy that I get to 'escape'!  Haha.

I still have to work on weekends.  There are still quite a few items I need to solve.  At times when I leave my laptop for a break, I find something like this.... 

Monkey on computer

Octopus now

Chicken too



  1. Yeah teruk man. JE put the monkey, SE put the chicken. I forget now who put the octopus hehe.

  2. I have been in your situation and i resigned 3 months later. Such a toxic environment with demanding & unreasonable customer. Glad that I'm out of this (vendor environment) and at a better place. So sweet of both your daughters to put their soft toys to cheer u up!

    1. It took a lot to drag myself to work! Well when I looked around the previous time, I couldn't find a better-paying job. So my goal now is to stay until I cannot tahan.
