SE's school held an 'Entrepreneurship Carnival' (translated loosely to 'Karnival Suka Ria' aka 'Fun Carnival' which has quite a different meaning!) recently. It was supposedly to give students a chance to run their own business. Well maybe so for the more senior students. The ones in primary school basically had a good time haha.
It was open to others and JE insisted on going. Oh well, so I took time off work to take her there. SE had gone off earlier at the usual time via the transporter. The place was bustling! There was music, petting zoo, haunted house and all kinds of stalls. First, some shopping...
Let's buy this
Then it was time for SE's shift at her stall.
Yes, that is a good choice
JE wanted to paint a bag. I had planned to just wait, but got into it as well.
Blobby done by me. Frog by Mummy
It was so fun that we left some for SE to do. We basically did the 'creatures' we play with - Blobby, Monkey, Piglet etc - and whatever else came to mind.
I shall do Little Yellow Dog
Overall, totally enjoyed ourselves!