Saturday, May 25, 2024

Helper off

Our maid Jane went home for a 1-month vacation.  So far this morning:

1.  SE’s water has spilled on the bedroom floor

2.  I went to get the mop, but the back door remained stubbornly unopenable after hubby locked the additional security lock at the bottom.

3.  I resorted to using the front door to get to the mop.   Upon my return, I stubbed my toe against something, tripping heavily against the speaker placed beside the entrance.  The speaker crashed into the glass table next to it and broke an ornament which had been in the house for years.

Hubby said at least the glass table didn’t shatter and injure me.

4. For lunch, the salmon stuck to the pan and I forgot to put olive oil in the pasta. SE gave lunch a thumbs up though.

Besides these… so far so good.  'Keep calm and carry on' shall be my motto.  We shall survive the month!

Salmon with pasta for lunch

Friday, May 24, 2024


JE's grades are not too good.  Signed her up for tuition in Bahasa and picked Maths for the other one (this tuition centre has a minimum of two subjects).  Tuition is online which is so convenient!  Just need to open the laptop and connect, no need to fetch her to tuition and back. 

But I wonder if she is paying full attention.  Sometimes this happens...

Bwak bwak bwakkk

She said teacher was giving time to do the exercises and she had finished.  So she went to the toilet.

Then the other day I thought she was attending class.  Suddenly I realised.... eh that's the wrong girl! 

SE paying full attention

Yeah it's me and Jojo's chicken and moomin

 JE.... was in the toilet.  Really hope this person is learning from tuition and not wasting my money.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Birthday presents for JE

JE's birthday was last month, in April.  She got to go to Hai Di Lao for her birthday meal at a later day.  And selected her presents.

I like this place

I will take these two. Yes, both

She has so many soft toys already!  Not much more space in the bed.

Ok what, still have space.  ZZzzzzzz

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Mother's day 2024

A post so that next year we won't be wondering, what did we do for Mother's Day last year?  Haha.  

My father just had spine surgery done and wasn't up to going out yet.  We ordered in BBQ pork ribs, sticky chicken wings, pork neck curry, garlic bread, 2 kinds of potatoes and our helper Jane made a simple salad.

Must cut up these ribs...

As usual the kids had their table.

Hmm looks all right

Unfortunately my mother felt unwell halfway through dinner and went to lie down for the rest of the night.

The rest of us continued feasting... there was way too much food, but once the vultures/tapao crews were done, there was no more problem.

By the next morning, my mother had recovered with the help of some Panadol.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Started school

After the premature stop to her school year, SE had 2 months at home before school started.  She was 26kg, the goal was 30kg.  Doc set the expectation of 1kg weight gain a week.  Well no way that target was ever achieved, including up to now.  I would periodically start counting and get super-anxious thinking of where her weight was and how much time there was left.  

When 10 March rolled up, she was slightly over 29kg.  Close enough. So yes, she did start going to school when the new school year started.  :) 

She was exhausted at the end of the school days though!
A bag of laundry to lay my tired head

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Scaredy girls

There was a lot of screeching and screaming.  And these two being armed to the teeth.

Eee! EeeeEEEEEE!!!!

The cause of the ruckus?  This dragonfly in the house.

Nooo! Save us!

Ok on the count of 3!


As a result, the dragonfly shot straight smack into my face.  Aihh too much peace and quiet isn't good for anyone right?  Hahaha.

Friday, May 10, 2024

SE’s Birthday

SE's birthday was on a weekday this year.  She chose to celebrate the following weekend.  She didn't want a cake as currently she doesn't eat cake.  After pressure from me and JE that birthdays must have cake, she settled on jelly instead.  Erm no, she doesn't eat jelly now either.

Then our maid Jane went off to her baking class and came back with a small cake for SE.  With a moomin on top.  Such a sweet gesture!

Well technically I'm not 12 yet

Ok then. Happy birthday to me!

SE had the tiniest slice of cake.  It is my fervent wish that next year will be different. 

Happy 12th birthday to SE!  The recent journey has been rough.  Wishing her the strength to soldier on and beat this eating disorder. 

Footnote: Moomins aren't exactly well-known.  Jane's classmates thought she was trying to make a pony.  She took a picture with the actual creatures that night to send to them hahaha.

Hey, who are you?