Tuesday, September 10, 2024


A few months ago, SE had a school project to sew up a pencilcase from a kit.  It was simple work to sew together the provided material.  SE.... kept coming to me to rescue the thing, having sewn the thread any old how.  It seemed impossible a person could repeatedly make mistakes but... there it was.

Fast forward.  She wanted to learn crochet.  With the pencilcase situation in my mind, I had inner doubts.  If ever anyone was all thumbs, this was a prime candidate.

Anyway, let her pick a yarn colour from Shopee.   

For months, she crochet-ed and unravelled, crotchet-ed and unravelled.

Finally, there were some results.  And one day....


I was impressed!  Told her to turn the moomin to the side for a side pic.  Cheeky one turned her whole self...

Side?  Hehehe

All clothed

A bonnet and a dress!  I am seriously impressed.  :)

(No, I don't crotchet.  My only contribution besides buying the yarn, was helping to untangle the said yarn. Numerous times.)


  1. What a talent! She can sell this out, it's so cute to see moomin with bonnet& dress.

    1. Hehe I was thrilled with this one. But she has mastered only the basics.

  2. Wow! Well done to SE! 👍💪So she learnt how to crochet and made the bonnet and dress all by herself? Self taught? So Keng! 💪💪💪

    1. My two nieces can crotchet so she did get help from them. Plus online videos.
