It's been 2 months since our last trip to Genting... quite long by our standards! We had two attractions this time: a durian buffet and a concert. I only realised halfway that I'd had left Jo Ern's shoes at home. Resolved to buy a pair at Genting, never mind if a bit expensive. Checked in first, freshened up, came out of the bathroom to see this:
My shoes are not here! Maybe I can borrow Mummy's shoes?
Ok ok MUST go and buy shoes for this new toddler! (BTW my sandals are not dirty, they're naturally beige-coloured ahem). It was surprisingly difficult to find a pair. There weren't many kiddy shops. Not all had shoes. Then found kiddy-sized shoes were too big. Finally found The One amongst baby shoes. It was the one and only of its size and luckily it wasn't ugly, phew. Mission accomplished, on to the durian buffet!
Ahh I ate durian to my heart's content. That was only me though. Jo Ern refused durian and only wanted mangosteen. Hubby got into a huff when the quality and quantity of durian to our table were restricted due to insufficient supply. He saw a few groups having more and were told they were guests from overseas. I tried to pacify him since we already got enough and might as well enjoy the lot on the table. But he was hopping mad, kept grumbling and eventually went off to officially complain. Sigh. So I sat there with Jo Ern slowly savouring the durian. It was pretty good, really, there was Raja Kunyit too.
Blekk! This stuff is yucky. Phbth! Phbbbthh!
The result of hubby's complaining was... an invitation to come again the next day! With a promise of 2 good durians for us. Ahahaha! Sometimes it pays NOT to be too accepting!
The next day, off we went to the theme park. Genting was relatively quiet that weekend and we took a few rides without having to queue. And this is the first time Jo Ern could walk by herself in Genting.
Walk walk. This is nice!
Walk walk walk. I like!
That night we went for the Hokkien concert. I joked with hubby that I was leaving if they sang the 'Sky Black Black' song. I only planned to stay a while. Once Jo Ern fussed I'd take her out since I'm not keen on Hokkien songs anyway. To our surprise, Jo Ern behaved perfectly! She sat there eating her snacks and drinking her water, occasionally pointing to the stage or lights. She babbled to herself, clapped sometimes and even stood up and swayed a bit. We were able to stay till the end. Well, almost the end... hubby thought the show was finished at 10pm when there was actually one more singer to go. Hehe. The show wasn't too bad - with 5 singers (we watched 4) and dancers for each song, it was quite entertaining. We were lucky to get end seats and placed Jo Ern's stroller beside. Hmm if we could get the same arrangement next time, we could attend more such concerts. It was only the next day that I noticed the printing on the tickets - separate tickets are needed for children of all ages including infants!

This singer has a good voice. The dancers are not bad either.
Well done! Bravo!
Final morning, headed to the pool after many trips of planning to go. Hubby was always afraid Jo Ern would catch a chill. Or else there'd be no time or Jo Ern would be sleepy/hungry. This time, had a soak in the hot jacuzzi pool. Overall, this was a good trip. :)
This hot water is lovely. But they put too many bubbles