SE has been doing this 'electronic' game for me for oh, 3 weeks already. She draws everything, screen by screen, on the magnetic board. The premise is, your village is being invaded by zombies. You go on quests to gain money and green stones. 50 green stones will win the game. In the meantime, you need to use money for various things.
*scritch scritch
Various characters will pop up. Some have skills they will share with you if you take them in. But they will require food and housing. You can choose which characters to take. Some are just wackos.
Screens can be very wordy
Sometimes the "Creator" (which is SE) sets certain rules and you cannot go against her. Certain quests are compulsory. The quests include drawing hats, dresses, toys etc for people who will then give you money.
No, mama MUST choose this
Sometimes she finishes scribbling very fast and nudges me. I look over and the screen only has a bar in the middle with the word "Loading...." (I found this very funny!). She patiently erases everything and redraws the next screen.
Draw draw
There are also various mini-games within the main game. This particular one, I chose a cute character and then that cloud over its head. The "Creator" had to go take a poo halfway so this character did the same.
Taking a poo on the toilet bowl
Game shows no sign of ending yet. :)