Saturday, November 13, 2021

Back to school

After I-lost count-how-many months, school has re-started.  The class is divided into 2 groups.  One will go to school while the other gets homework via Google Classroom. There are no more online classes since teachers will not be able to handle two groups at once.

I'd been hoping that somehow online will continue. But since that wasn't happening, decided to send the kids back to school. I'm sure lessons are way more effective when conducted in school.

Need to get our hair neat

Look presentable?

Still have a bit sticking out

I'll just sleep first

Their regular transporter quoted full fees for the half-month attendance.  Fetching them there in the mornings isn't any problem, since I was already walking them to my parents' house around that time for online classes earlier.  Fetching back from school, I'd have to adjust my lunchtime.  Decided to try it for the RM40 a day saved haha. 

Overall... the kids prefer online classes.  But we have survived the week!  Now for a week OFF school, yay.


  1. Sounds so fun to attend school for a ween then off school for another week! Alternate week on/off for all students?

    1. Yes. One week on, one week off. The off week get some homework via google classroom.

  2. I thought the kids would be looking forward to going back to school to meet up with their friends. You will only need to drive the kids to and fro for 2 weeks due to the alternate week schooling. I smile when I got to the last photo.

    1. Sounds like it's not really fun. They need to sit at their own desks throughout the entire school time, no going to other desks to chat or to the canteen for recess.

    2. No going to canteen for recess then how? Eat food at their own table?

  3. Wow, back to school already. They must be happy to see their friends but wearing the masks the whole day must be hot.

    1. Some friends are in the other group, some opted not to go back to school. And they're not allowed to wander around either. Overall doesn't seem like any fun!

    2. Ya better don't go back if don't feel safe.
