Wednesday, July 12, 2023

The Teddy again

SE actually wanted to go to The Teddy for her birthday.  But she wanted to be there wearing THIS particular dress.  Which wasn't ready at the time.  So we postponed Teddy to another time.

Greetings from us and our bear friends

As usual, it was bears galore.  Very cute!

Little bears here

A bear burger for me and Jojo

Waffles and ice cream. With bears and a black friend

I had butter squid pasta, hubby had lamb - overall good and I love the dessert.  


  1. Too bad that I almost never go to your area there so don't know when I can pay a visit to the teddy. The food is just too cute to be eaten. Is SE dress tailored made for her? That is why it wasn't ready?

    1. Teddy is around Kelana Jaya, not that near for me. Haha no the dress had a light stain on it. She is too fussy to wear it with the stain.
