Monday, June 3, 2024

Exercise problem

Anorexia comes with other symptoms besides drastic weight loss.  

For SE, another problem became obvious - obsessive exercising.  She was exercising every moment possible - jumping jacks, planking, leg lifts, running in place... you name it.  Some examples:

1. Before we went to the doctor and found exercise was to avoided in her case, when we was still going swimming together:  
a.  She would swim lengths non-stop until it was time to go
b.  In the shower after the swim, jump up and down
c.  After getting home and having dinner, still request to go for a walk

2. Her teacher called me for a 1-1 chat.  She told me SE had been going missing from classes for long periods at a time and her classmates reported seeing her exercising in the toilet.

3. In the middle of the night, she would wake up and go to the toilet.  Sometimes that wakes me up as well - I would check on her and inevitably find her in the toilet exercising.  

4.  Every time we notice she has been gone a while, we look for her and usually would catch her exercising. 

It was doubly difficult.  Due to her extremely-low weight, exercise would cause stress to the heart and could result in dire consequences.  It would also sabotage the objective of quickly bringing her weight up to a healthy level.

Besides her weight, this was what convinced me she was suffering from anorexia.  I made sure to talk to her at length after catching her exercising, explaining why she cannot be doing that, trying to get her to stop.  But literally the moment I turned away, she would resume.  :(

No I was not doing


  1. I hope SE gets some psychiatric help as well so she can mentally heal from her condition.

    1. The doc we are seeing is actually a psychiatrist. She said the weight issue has to be addressed before the mental one. We are still tackling the weight issue.

  2. Oh dear, 😨 I pray her weight doesn't drop too much with all these exercising. 🙏 Praying for her mind to change her attitude towards weight. 🙏

    1. Thanks Mun. At my wits end how to handle this.

  3. i'm beginning to wonder what's controlling her mind now....I mean does SE aware that her condition/malnutrition could harm her life?

    1. She surely understands the logic. I don't know if she just cannot stop herself or doesn't want to.
